What Rating is Your Combat Site?

To see an in-depth explanation and list of Combat sites, visit UNIWIKI. This is just a quick-glance list of the specific DED sites and their ratings. Click on the Combat Site name to go to the UNIWIKI description page. Note: More factions are being listed as time progresses!

DED RatingHigh SecLow SecNull SecAngel Cartel
1/10Yes Yes NoMinmatar Contracted Bio-Farm
2/10 Yes Yes NoAngel Creo-Corp Mining
3/10 Yes Yes NoAngel Repurposed Outpost
4/10 Yes Yes NoAngel Cartel Occupied Mining Colony
5/10 Yes Yes NoAngel’s Red Light District
6/10No Yes Yes Angel Mineral Acquisition Outpost
7/10NoNoYesAngel Military Operations Complex
8/10NoNoYesCartel Prisoner Retention
10/10NoNoYesAngel Cartel Naval Shipyard
DED RatingHigh SecLow SecNull SecSansha’s Nation
1/10Yes Yes NoSansha Military Outpost
2/10 Yes Yes NoSansha Acclimatization Facility
3/10 Yes Yes NoSansha’s Command Relay Outpost
4/10 Yes Yes NoSansha’s Nation Occupied Mining Colony
5/10 Yes Yes NoSansha’s Nation Neural Paralytic Facility
6/10No Yes Yes Sansha War Supply Complex
7/10NoNoYesSansha Military Operations Complex
8/10NoNoYesSansha Prison Camp
10/10NoNoYesCentus Assembly T.P. Co.

Update to this post will include more faction sites…

By Lox