Evony: 1191 Server Rules

The Rules by Which All Players Must Abide on Server 1191

The following list of server rules have been proposed, discussed and voted on by a council formed of delgates from all of the top alliances:

Finalised Rules:

  1. NAP equals no attack period. The NAP starts after KE or server war ends. NAP ends again at the start of KE or server war. Note that NAP begins after server war ends and the remaining KE after server war is actually NAP. Note: If you leave, or are expelled from, your alliance just to attack someone, you will be made Kill On Sight (KOS).
  2. No attacks on tiles, relics, occupied pyramids and barbarian castles at any time, except during purge.
  3. In weeks of SvS, KE is suspended.
  4. Sub cities can be hit and stolen during KE only. No level limit applies.
  5. During KE, keeps lvl 25 and above should not hit below keep lvl 20. Keeps 30 and above shouldn’t hit below 28.
  6. Rallies are not permitted in single player pvp. Rallies shall be during throne wars, server wars, and battlegrounds only.
  7. Non-Alliance members are fair game at all times! Join an Alliance!
  8. Sub cities won in Historic City Searching Event and the owners are protected while unable to bubble during the claiming period and cannot be stolen. Won subs should not be unlocked during SvS.
  9. If a player attacks a member of your alliance a retaliatory attack is allowed regardless of keep level limits. Retaliation is made only on the attacker, not their alliance.
  10. (a) Purge begins 2 hours before each Server War. Players who want to actively participate must add “purge” to their name, no more than 1 hour before purge begins. Players must remove “purge” from their name after purge ends. Anyone can join the purge. Purgers MUST scout targets first and, if they are zeroed, no plundering attacks are to be made against empty keeps. Also, attacking or stealing sub cities is not allowed.
    (b) Attacks, or other hostile actions, against purging players is NOT allowed, unless a player has continuously left “purge” in their name, outside of purge time, and has been inactive. These players MUST be called out in world chat (WC). If a player has not purged and is still un-bubbled near the end of purge, they themselves will be purged.
    (c) PYRAMIDS can only be purged for 15-20min before the start of the event.
  11. No sub stealing is allowed when players are levelling their generals on the sub cities, during NAP.
  12. If any player violates these rules and is not compensating, the King/Queen may declare KOS on that player until compensation is made.

The Discord invite link for the specific 1191 server is:

Rules/Page Updated: 4th April 2023