World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is Coming!

On April 19th 2022, Blizzard revealed the upcoming ninth expansion in the World of Warcraft series: Dragonflight. As the name suggests, Dragonflight will let players ride dragons and discover the long-lost Dragon Isles, as well as introducing revamps to the talent and crafting systems. Apparently, there will also be an overhaul of the game’s User Interface (UI), which hasn’t been done in decades!

Further Information (Sourced from

Dragonflight will focus on the return of the Dragon Aspects, the magical guardians of Azeroth who disappeared after the events of the Cataclysm expansion 12 years ago. Players will journey to the mysterious and heretofore hidden Dragon Isles to explore five zones, each themed after one of the five dragon aspects. Dragonflight will also add a new race / class combo called Dracthyr Evokers, a race of draconic humanoids (think the Worgen from Wrath of the Lich King) with ranged damage and healing powers related to the Dragon Aspects. Unlike the Worgen, however, Dracthyr can only be the Evoker class, and the Evoker class is race locked to the Dracthyr.

On the crafting side, it seems like World of Warcraft is learning from examples set by critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. Professions will introduce a new quality rating system as well as receive a dedicated inventory slot. Players who have the right raw materials but not the right crafting profession to shape them will be able to take advantage of a new way to get gear made. The work order system will replace the tried and true tradition of /yelling in trade chat. Instead of spamming the chat with requests for crafters to make a desired weapon or piece of armor, Dragonflight will add a new interface by which players can post what they want made and the materials to make it for crafters to pick and choose at their leisure.

By Lox